How will the seller refund the customer

How will the seller refund the customer

Company and Seller will refund the customer as per policy.

Short Policy :Refunds Against Return Orders: Refunds are processed if your refund claim is deemed valid. Refunds against canceled orders: Refunds are automatically initiated after the cancellation is successfully processed. Failed Delivery: In case of failed delivery, it takes 10 working days for the seller to return the item. Must Read it Non-Returnable-items Return-Exchange

How will I know if I have received a refund request?

Step 1. login into seller account go to Refund Manage >> My Pending refund requests Pending will be written here in two places Request Status ,is Refunded

Request Status. means that first the company will find out everything from the customer why you want to get a refund and whether you are getting a refund as per company policy or not. If the refund is in accordance with the company's policy, the complete status of the request will be shown to you.

Step 2 .is refunded Now click on select and view details. Now click on select and view details.

Step 3. Up front you will see the processing status. Click on Process and complete. it

After completion, the amount will be refunded to the customer from the applicable running balance.

Note : If a payment is pending and a refund request is received, your payment will be terminated.

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