How will the seller manage their orders

How will the seller manage their orders

A complete description of how the JAAR seller will manage the order

When a customer places an order, he first goes to the JAAR company and confirms the order. When the order is confirmed, the seller will complete the order.

The seller has 4 options. A) Confirmed Orders, B)Completed Orders, C)Pending Payment Orders, D) Refused/Cancelled Orders

A) Confirmed Orders, Click Select then click Details.

All order details will be displayed in front of you.

Now go to your jaar shipping option. Click Select then click Label. Your label will be downloaded, you print the label and put it in the order flyer package.

Now back to your order and delivery status
Click on Processing then click Ready to Ship

Now drop your parcel to the given courier service and change your delivery status to Recieved. After 3 days your delivery status should be changed to Delivered. Congratulations, your order is complete.

B) Completed Orders, You will see here when your order is complete.

C) Pending Payment Orders, Here is your payment status after the Company receives payment for your order.jaar will pay you

D) Refused/Cancelled Orders Here you will see the details of any order that will be canceled or returned. Refund Thank you

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