How to View Customer Reviews

How to View Customer Reviews

How is JAAR Seller Rating evaluated?

JAAR Seller rating is evaluated on the basis of the following:

  • Product quality levels
  • Fulfillment speed  
  • Service level

What if the review is irrelevant to the product, can we get it removed?

Reviews not relevant to the customer’s product experience on JAAR will be removed. However, if you still come across an irrelevant review on one of your products then please do let us know.

Why are review-less negative product ratings published on the website?

Reviewing is optional for the customers when giving a product rating, hence a customer can still submit a rating without having to write a review of a product.

Some customers are spamming our product review page, can we get the review removed?

Fake reviews are never published; These are detected and then rejected from our system.

Are product reviews with other website names and specific product prices allowed?

No, reviews containing external links, competitor names and specific prices will not be published.

Once the review is rejected, will the rating remain on the PDP (Product display page)?

No, the rating will be removed with the reviews.

How To View Customer Reviews ?

A) Login Your Seller Account into JAAR In options you will see review option, click on it and then click on my products. reviews

Here you can see customer reviews and also reply to their reviews. Click on a reply to reply and give your feedback.

My Reviews : Here you can see your own and customer reviews.

Note: Upon each review pending, the Company will verify and approve the review.

For More info Contact us


customer , reviews , products , jaar , best jaar


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