How To Bulk Product Upload on JAAR

How To Bulk Product Upload on JAAR

Now you can also upload jaar in bulk, ie if you have more than 1 product, for example 10,50. You can upload everything at once.

Step 1. login seller account into jaar Now you will see the Products option on the left side, click on Bulk Product Upload.

Step 2. Now a page will open in front of you where you can download and edit your sample file, add your product details, upload it and your product will be added.

If there is a problem, edit your file correctly and re-upload it.

Note: Please read the JAAR company policy before uploading the product.



Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy

Any product that is against JAAR company policy will be suspended and your account is liable to be suspended.

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products , upload products , bulk upload , jaar , seller , best seller


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